head-shotFrom Peshawar Pakistan to Nairobi Kenya, from Damascus Syria to Benghazi Libya, Muslims are on a killing rampage. The civilized world is shocked and distressed. Some mutation seems to take place in the humanness of the person the minute he announces his subservience to Islam by reciting the Shahada: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” The individual becomes intolerant, violent and the shedding of blood becomes central to his life.

The Greek had their gods, so did the idolater Arabs before Muhammad appeared on the scene. Muhammad chose a minor idol as god and the only god and elected the name of Allah for him. According to Muhammad, Allah is not only the god; he is the all-everything god, embodying all imaginable attributes that were previously monopolies of different gods of the polytheists.


What in fact stands out as Allah’s dominating attribute, is his intolerant and violent nature. He is nothing like the all-merciful the Quran claims. But he certainly is the most wrathful. Since commissioning Muhammad as his emissary and giving him the manual of mayhem called the Quran, the world has never seen a day of peace. Apparently that’s just the way Allah likes it.


EGYPT“The religion of peace,” is in fact the religion of blood.


Distressed by the Muslims’ trouble-making and killing sprees, civilized nations are bending over backward in the hope of placating them and helping them join the family of humanity by admitting hordes of immigrants and affording them all manner of hospitality and assistance. All seems to no avail. Many of the new arrivals, deeply infected by the Islamic ethos, find it impossible to assimilate in the host countries. Instead, they strive to impose their defunct order that is the cause of their backwardness and inhumanity on the host people.



The non-Muslim world is at the end of its wits. No accommodation or kindness seems to stem the tide of Islamic violence. Countless numbers of proposals have been advanced in dealing with Islamic mayhem. Some feel that, in general, Muslims are law-abiding citizens of their adopted countries and it is a minority that is responsible for acts of atrocities. Thinking along these lines has prompted people to say that the solution to Islamic violence rests with Islamic leaders. That is, Islamic leaders should speak up and condemn jihad and jihadists.


To begin with, renouncing jihad violates the repeated commands of the Quran and the Hadith. No Islamic leader would dare to attempt that abrogation.


To propose that the solution to Muslims’ killings of non-combatant civilians, as jihadists do daily, rests with Muslim leaders declaring anyone who does such a thing goes to hell is a product of a wishful mind or an ignorant naive dreamer unfamiliar with the fundamental bases of Islamic violence. Here are a few fatal flaws in this proposal.


Muhammad is long dead. There is no one person, a pope-like figure in Islam and there has never been since Muhammad died. Immediately after Muhammad died, Islam became ‘ISLAMS’ and kept fractioning and continues to do so to this day. It is not too dissimilar to the death of the founder of a violent gang leader that spawns an entire group of contenders for the position that inevitably leads to infighting among the late gang leader's top lieutenants.


number-3Any Islamic leader worthy of his salt would neither dare nor want to issue such fatwa. It is like asking a slaveholder who is leading a very charmed life at the expense of slaves to free the slave and start working the cotton fields to earn his bread.


Furthermore, if this leader, who has bought into the system and has reaped the immensely-valued benefits of his position, were to in fact give it all up and come up with the suggested fatwa, he would be immediately defrocked if not lynched by his own followers as a heretic who had betrayed the explicit teachings of the holy Quran where the faithful are repeatedly urged to wage war against all Kafir (non-Muslim), civilians or not.



Islam is tantamount to violence. Violence is the lifeblood of Islam and it has been ever since the time of Muhammad in Medina by Muhammad's own edict and conducts.


Without violence of all types, Islam would undergo a slow death. Violence is in the fabric of this cult. Take away violence and you shut down the blood supply from the body of ‘ISLAMS.’ Islam is violent, not only against non-Muslims, but it is also violent against its own numerous sects and offshoots. Even within every sect and offshoot violence in the most savage ways is practiced.  Just to name some examples: public lashing, cutting off of hands for stealing even a morsel of bread, blinding convicts or hanging them, stoning the so-called adulteresses, castrating sexual offenders and hanging of homosexuals.

No fatwa of Islamic leader or leaders is forthcoming. The only answer to a cult born by violence seems to be death by violence, something like what is going on daily in Iraq and Syria and to some extent in other Muslim lands. The non-Islamic lands will do well to keep this cult of violence out of their countries and let them practice their systemic violence among their feuding sects in their own lands.


Western armchair theorizers and wishful thinkers need to take time and study the Islamic system in order to avoid making demands on Muslim leaders--demands that will never be met because they are completely unrealistic.



number-4Muslim leaders advance to their positions of leadership in the Islam Inc.'s numerous subsidiaries by cleverly and ruthlessly navigating their way through the hierarchical labyrinth of cutthroat competition. Kissing up and the demonstrating of unconditional loyalty to the higher ups is required. Undeviating total devotion to the charter of the corporation as defined and promoted by the particular subsidiary, while vigilantly exploiting any opportunity for climbing up the next rung of the ladder of leadership are prime requisites of staying in the game.



The individuals who attain high leadership positions in Islam have invested their all with great acumen and gone through a tortuous ringer for years to attain their positions. They deeply covet that position and do absolutely nothing to rock the boat, so to speak.


The individual who ascends to a high leadership position, must craftily and successfully work his way through a labyrinth of high intrigues for many years. These leadership positions are greatly coveted and the person would hardly be inclined to do anything that would endanger his status. The slightest deviation by any of the Islamic high clergy entails tremendous risks. The late grand Ayatollah Ali Montazeri of Iran, for instance, who was initially tapped by Khomeini to become his successor, was disgraced and placed under house arrest for daring to voice his concerns about the Islamic government's summary mass execution of political prisoners.


number-5The profession of a clergy is to attract a select segment of men, men who have already significantly bought into the Islamic charter and its methods. As these men undergo formal indoctrination, a culling process takes place. Hundreds of thousands of these men, for a variety of reasons, do not advance very far. A great number of Muslims function in lower positions for the rest of their lives. They are the drones, so to speak. They loyally keep working the rank and file Muslim believers at villages and towns, making them toe the line and pay their tributes and cash to their parasitic handlers who continue their highly successful smoke and mirror charade. A significant number may leave the ordination altogether, for a variety of reasons, and begin earning their living like the rest of the people.


Another not unimportant complicating factor is that the Islamic leaders actually believe the entire Islamic package, as absurd as much of it may seem to non-Muslims. It is human nature to start believing even the most absurd after having it preached to you by higher authorities and you, yourself, had parroted them repeatedly to others.


Millions of Shiites, for example, pilgrimage to a well near the city of Qum in Iran to pay homage and tribute to the Shiite’s 12th imam, claimed to be hiding there for over a thousand years. No one forces these millions to believe this patently absurd assertion successfully hammered into their minds by the purveyors of the Islamic fraud, the high divines.


Interestingly enough, the new mullah president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, in a public speech proclaimed that Iran belongs to the same imam who is hiding in the well. This mullah Rouhani is now championing Iran's standing down its nuclearization program? Be serious. This is the same fraud who bragged about how he fooled the West by pretending to negotiate while keeping the centrifuges spinning overtime to produce the needed material for the bombs.


Getting the nuclear bomb is the Holy Grail for the Shiites of the world. It is the bomb they intend to use, make no mistake about it, that would make the world a bloodbath, a pre-requisite condition of their promised savior, the imam in the well, to abandon his hideout, rise to the surface, defeat whatever is left of the non-Muslim world and establish Allah’s complete rule over the entire planet.



number-6Islam is a belief of blood. It lives and thrives on blood. It can be animal blood, enemy blood or even it's own blood. Consider the horrific practice of ghameh zani, (self-flagellation). Shiite faithful march en mass in public places, beating themselves with chains, cutting themselves with knives on their heads, torso and arms, causing blood to gush out and all this to commemorate religious historical events.



There once was a picture of a mother proudly holding up her baby boy who was slashed on the forehead during gameh zani. That picture is worth a million words to make the case that Islam is a belief of blood. Islam has got to have blood. When you mercilessly slash your own head and body to honor your belief of blood, you have no compunctions in shedding the blood of others, particularly when they are perceived as enemies of your sacred belief.



Amil Imani is the author of Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and Operation Persian Gulf.


2013-11-15 04:29:16
Comments List
No you are the liar. Its called "Taqiyya" where Muslims lie and deny in order to advance their cause. Google hateful verses in the koran.This is what many Muslims do deny and lie. Your religion preaches violence and hatred and you know it.
Re:Proud to be Muslim don't shoot the messenger

Read the hateful verses again from your Koran and ask yourself why most non-Muslims worldwide hate your barbaric and backward religion. You will burn in hell.
The TRUTH about Islam will stop Islam.
Islam's Quran, supposedly revealed to Muhammad by his allah, calls for slaying pagans (9-5), fighting and subduing People of the Book, Christians and Jews (9-29), and over 100 other passages that call for violence against unbelievers, plus 5-51, "make not friends of Christians and Jews". We see Muslims getting this EVIL SPIRIT of allah every day today like 9/11, Ft. Hood, and the Boston Bombers and countless other atrocities around the world in the name of Muhammad's allah.
Only EVIL or truly ignorant people who know these truths about Islam would continue to stay in that cult of hatred and killing.
Jesus Christ said in the Gospels that "the TRUTH will set you free". You Mister Muslim, can stay in your religious cult of hatred and violence or come to the TRUTH that is Jesus Christ in the Gospels. Please read them for your own eternal soul and leave your violent cult. I will never stop telling the TRUTH about Islam and its hatred and exhorted violence against unbelievers. Islam cannot tollerate the TRUTH.
Amil whatever you wrote about Islam wont stop Islam ... If you have a "mind" people also have "minds" if you think people also think , do you think you have better mind or thinking than all those people? Ok you hate SHIA religion in Iran this is your conviction but don't link SHIA to Islam ... "Real Islam" is not like what you've passed through in Iran in your childhood. be objective and don't let your hatred acquire your mind and heart.
You are a liar, non of these absurdities in our holy Quran, you wrote lies just to show your hatred against Islam.
I assume your statement on 1973 is a threat. Religion or faith should be a focus on God and treating your neighbor as yourself. The cult of Islam is more directed to fighting and subjugating the unbeliever than in having eternal life...and then with 72 virgins and other carnal desires like young boys. Ask yourself, what kind of creepy sex starved cult is that? No religion should make threats as Islam exhorts (Quran) you to do. That's plain EVIL. Your Islam has also been killing each other since Ali was killed resulting in the Sunni/Shia split.
PTBM, You may be correct that Islam will exist until the end of this world but only because God allows Satan's cult to stay and torment humans including Muslims who cannot see the evil in their cult...like you. Muhammad told you he got his revelations from his allah via Gabriel, but not one person witnessed what this lying false prophet said. Also, there is not one witnessed miracle that this lying false prophet performed to show he was backed by the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and the Father of Jesus. Jesus performed all sorts of witnessed miracles that are documented by eye witnesses in the Gospels. Jesus also said in the Gospels that Satan is the father of all lies and that lying is his native tongue. The Quran lies about Jesus as the Son of God and about Jesus death on the cross and His Ressurection from the dead. If Muhammad's allah truly revealed the Quran, he is Satan, the liar. Your Islamic sources say that Muhammad thought he was possessed by a demon after his first revelation...surely you know that fact...he also accepted two other gods in his negotiations with the Meccans and then said they were from Satan. How do you know all his revelations were not from Satan...per the Quran?
You are as much a victim of Islam as the many non Muslims who are killed because of the hate and violence in the Quran. Leave your evil cult for the TRUTH that is Jesus Christ's teachings in the Gospels and believe in Him, the Son of God.
Please both of you urgently seek a Psychologist .. Islam will exist until the end of the life on earth ... And thousands of people around the world are converting to Islam daily so try to treat with facts instead of your hallucinations , your hatred will not change anything !
I advise you to find a near Psychotherapist to treat yourself from: Islamophobia ... So pathetic
Remember 1973 we will repeat it so be aware Jewish