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Posts tagged 'islamic'

Shame, Shame, Brandeis University

Our Archive
Category: Our Archive

shame-2For decades, I have been sounding the alarm about the ever-increasing menace Islam is posing to America and our way of life. Apathy, political correctness, and massive Islamic lobbying have successfully prevented the public from truly grasping the all-pervasive Islamic assault.

Freedom of speech, a right greatly cherished by a free people, is an area where Islamic forces are attacking with great effectiveness.

Individuals who dare to voice the truth about Islam, its barbaric Sharia laws and savage practices are subjected to harassment, threatened with and subjected to ruinous lawsuits. Businesses and organizations with the slightest deviation from the Islamic dictates face boycotts and the loss of media advertising sponsors.

Political Correctness  Islamists  islamic  Islam  honor killing  Brandeis University  Ayaan Hisi Ali  Amil Imani

2014-04-13 04:12:32

Islam is a Belief of Blood

Our Archive
Category: Our Archive

head-shotFrom Peshawar Pakistan to Nairobi Kenya, from Damascus Syria to Benghazi Libya, Muslims are on a killing rampage. The civilized world is shocked and distressed. Some mutation seems to take place in the humanness of the person the minute he announces his subservience to Islam by reciting the Shahada: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” The individual becomes intolerant, violent and the shedding of blood becomes central to his life.

Muslims  Jihad  islamic  Islam and blood  Islam  Iran  Hassan Rouhani  Amil Imani  Allah

2013-11-15 04:29:16