Bewildered by what fanatic Muslims do, some conclude that Muslims are brainwashed. Otherwise, how can their totally illogical belief system and barbaric behavior be explained? But the notion of “brainwashing” that is bandied about is the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies such as the Manchurian Candidate.

The human person arrives in this world with his brains already washed in the sense of being what John Locke called tabula rasa, blank slate—ready for experience to imprint its script on it. John Locke was only partly correct. The brain also arrives with numerous predispositions already in place. It is a combination of life’s influences and a person’s own decisions that determine which of these dispositions develop and which ones fail. It is through this process that a unique human being is formed. Many animals come with already in-place programs that automatically run much of their lives. Birds’ migration, mating courtship and thousands of other complex behaviors are instances of this type of specific programming. A catchword for this type of behavior is “instinct.” As a general rule, the higher the organism the less is its rigid pre-programs and the greater its latitude to exercise choices. Making choices depends on what there is to choose from and to what extent a given choice appeals to the person. And the human newborn enters the arena of life without the means of being other than a passive recipient of “things” already chosen for him. It is like the old joke by Henry Ford who reportedly told his customers that they could have the choice of color for their car as long as it was black. Things are almost as bleak for the new arrival. He didn’t have a say in choosing his parents, his socio-economic condition, his environment of birth and much more. All are already in place and he is to start in life from the context of his birth. The development of a newborn in any family is importantly influenced by many factors, among them how hands-on the parents are; how religious they are, how severely they micromanage him in an attempt to make him not only a good person but also a person  better-one than they themselves. Parents tend to live vicariously through their children by programming them, the best they can, so that the children become or achieve much of what they themselves had failed to become or to accomplish. This attitude covers all areas of life such as giving the child the education they didn’t have, helping him with fame and fortune, nurturing him to become a topnotch athlete and so forth. It is a fact that early influences play a cardinal role in shaping the person. For this reason, for instance, the overwhelming majority of Muslims have born into Muslim families, Catholics into Catholic families, Hindus into Hindu families and so on. It is also a fact that the degree of religiosity ranges from mild to strong, with most people falling somewhere between the two extremes. Interestingly, two siblings raised by the same set of parents under the same influences may end up at the opposite extremes in their religious views and practices. It is here that the human dynamic of freedom of choice comes into play and steers one to one extreme and the other to the other extreme. Occasional extreme deviations notwithstanding, the great majority of siblings of a given family end up with various degrees of that family’s overall religious and other values. The same general principle of subscribing to a set of common values exists in all human groupings, in some cases with a broad flexibility and inclusiveness while in others with rigidity and exclusivity. In order to enjoy the privileges of belonging to a group, the person must also pay his dues of membership. The very young human faces, beginning with the minute he can make some sense of the world, a bewildering array of mysteries, challenges, and enticements. There are questions at every step, fears, and hopes entangled with the need to survive and possibly thrive. Who am I? What is this world all about? What’s the purpose? What am I supposed to do and how? Where am I headed? People die. Where do they go? And on and on and on. The information booths available to him in the fairground of life provide him with answers that may help relieve his innate existentialistic anxiety. And it is here that religion plays its critical role and holds a great appeal. Religion provides a surefire answer to those who are willing to take it on faith. And Islam is a powerful magnet for the masses that are unable to deal with the uncertainties of life and death on their own. It is from this population, many already thoroughly indoctrinated from birth, that the majority of diehard jihadists emerge. It is the bargain the jihadist makes. He surrenders totally to the religion of surrender in exchange for blanket security. Islam gives him all the answers he really seeks for dealing with this world and promises him a most lush and eternal paradise of Allah once he leaves it. And leaving this world in perfect submission as the foot-soldier of the paradise’s creator gives the faithful unimaginably glorious sensual eternal reward in his next life. It’s a bargain that some buy in whole, some in part, some refuse and seek other means of dealing with their questions and the unrelenting existentialistic anxiety. The great majority of jihadists emanate from the ranks of those born into the religion of Islam, simply because they are the ones who are most thoroughly indoctrinated and influenced by the Islamic dogma in their most receptive early years. Yet, there are others who embrace Islam in adulthood, on their own, and enlist themselves as devoted jihadists for the same rewards that Islam offers them. Islam has a great advantage of the first call on the new arrival. It is an omnipresent system with masses of believers, mosques and madresehs, and a host of other social and economic organizations that overpower the person and steer him into the same fold; it is a sea of people who seem to know what they are all about, what life and death are all about, and what one must also do. Within this sea of surging humanity composed of some 1.5 billion Muslims, each individual believer—a drop—through a combination of choice and forces beyond his control, ends up in one of its many waves. It is the jihadist wave that is highly attractive to the deeply-indoctrinated and poorly-adjusted in dealing rationally and independently with life. Here, he finds the iron-clad perfect solution to his anxieties and perplexities.

To a jihadist, death is nothing more than casting off a shell of the worthless earthly existence and donning the suit for winging joyously to the life of bliss promised by none-other than Allah’s beloved final emissary, Muhammad. Eradication of jihadism is a daunting task, since Islam is truly a virulent persistent pandemic disease. Massive education efforts, combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity. In addition to the family, places such as mosques and madresehs, Islamic associations and charitable organizations, prisons, and the like are incubators of jihadists. Massive efforts are required, on the one hand, to drain the breeding swamps of the Islamic virus, while on the other hand helping Muslims adopt an alternative perspective of life that addresses their perplexities and offers a degree of comfort that religions dispense without pitting one segment of humanity against another. In the monumental task of dealing with jihadism, every individual, group and government must combine their resources and energies to prevail. The destiny of the civilized life hangs in the balance. It is an unpardonable act of shirking responsibility for anyone to adopt the attitude of “let George do it.” George is you. George is I. George is every enlightened human being and organization that values human liberty and dignity. 

2009-12-08 19:34:36
Comments List
An excellent article as usual Amil. I would like to point out to readers here that like Islam, Secular Liberalism is a religion unto itself, disguised in values of 'human rights' and 'equality'. These are very acceptable values which I believe most humans agree with, except that in the religion of Liberalism, violence and vilification is the result if you disagree with them; a very non-'human rights' response. Why do I point this out? Because despite the glaring markers of violence, oppression, and ulterior motives of Islam, it is Liberalism that runs to the rescue of Jihadis, calling people racists if they dare point out these facts of the 'religion of peace'. Though devoid of attachment to G-d and usually filled with devout atheists, self-proscribed elite academia, and secular humanists, they fight for the right of Islam to practice its violence as a 'religious right'. This is important to note because these same followers are at the helm when denouncing the symbols of Christian and Jewish holidays in public, especially during Christmas time. Today, in parts of the US especially Boston, MA, they lead fights to eradicate Santa Claus, the Nativity scene, the Menorah, and even the American flag (stating it may offend someone). The very beliefs America was founded on are no longer welcome by this group, but Islam is welcome under the 'freedom of religion' argument. It's the same followers of Liberalism that too call for the complete submission of their 'citizens' - demanding that they allow Liberal governments to make all the decisions for healthcare, social benefits, employment, schooling, etc. They ask citizens to sit back and relax, tell them 'everyone is great, no one is better than anyone else, just pay your taxes and ask no questions. The government is more educated than you and should make your decisions regardless of referendums or personal opinions.' To question this act brings vicious responses, as we saw by none other then ex-US President Jimmy Carter when some citizens of the US questioned the validity of the Obama Healthcare Reform in the US a month ago. No matter how it is presented, total submission to any ideology or group is dangerous. Life is hard and supposed to be a learning experience, which we all participate in. To reject this individual responsibility in lieu of a 'free ride' in life is both an affront to humankind and a rejection of G-d, whether it be a supernatural being or the inter-connectiveness between human beings. Until such destructive religions as Islam and Liberalism are dealt with, all of us will in some way be submissive to the desires of these radical elements and always fall short of our true potential, individually and collectively, and actually a declining of humankind during our short time on Earth. I wish every one a pleasant and safe holiday season, regardless of which holiday (or none) you celebrate.
Thanks, Amil. Spot on as usual.

Sir Winston was correct when he said that, Islam is the most retrograde force on earth.
Obhama when dedicating 30k American soilders to Afghanistan said 'Islam is a Great Religion'. There are others all the time saying 'Islam is a religion of Peace'. My request to such people is 1-PLEASE read the Quran see what Allah wants his followers to do to NON-MUSLIMS.2-Read history and see what Islam did to the indeginous people of the countries they conquered.

Today in Europe and America the Muslim demand rights given by the constitution of those countries while in a Muslim country a non-Muslim has no constitutional or Human Rights.

Wake Up those people who want to be politically correct like Obahma. Ask a Muslim to go back to his country where the Sharia he loves is being followed and he will tell you. THE WHOLE WOLRD BELONGS TO ALLAH AND I AS HIS SOILDER AM HERE TO MAKE YOU FOLLOW HIM AND HIS PROPHET MOHAMMAD.

Wake up before its late.
Amil: You could be a great psychologist. Your understanding of the human psyche is impressive.
The parallel rise of Islam and the Left is the biggest global danger that faces us and what are we doing about it? Either denying it or displaying symptoms of the Stockholm syndrom. Both spell disaster. The reaction of people and nations to the threat of Islamic globalization would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Today's world response to the invasion of Islam should give ample material to comedians of our time.
Dr. RM
Re: 'America must come to terms with the reality that orthodox Islam requires unceasing jihad. Eradication of jihadism is a daunting task. Massive education efforts, combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity.'

Well, imagine some 'spiritual' branch of the mafia re-invented itself after finding (or interpreting) artifacts of crime gangs from ancient Rome, and imagine it then based its new found spiritual radicalization on loyalty to a newly interpreted Roman God of Self Indulgence (aka, Crime). Imagine high mafia prophets and 'Messengers of God' then sanctioned constant turf war for the conversion of new Wise Guys, at the point of the sword. Would our government find mettle enough to say, 'Wait a minute. That's not religion. Incitement to conspiratorial rationalization for killing is crime, not religion. And as such there is no Constitutional right to teach, spread, or incite it.' Or would our government hold: 'Well, conspiratorial incitement to killing non-wise-guys is neither crime nor murder, so long as it is part of the tradition of a recognized religion.' Or would such holding depend on whether our government had already become infested through and through with elites of the Wise Guys?

One may as well say: 'The reality is that orthodox Marxist Fascism requires unceasing struggle. Eradication is a daunting task. Massive education efforts, combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity.'

Problem is, Radical Fascists have already taken control of the House, Senate, White House, NYT, MSM, many Corporations and Unions, and most Ivy League schools. In that context, 'massive education' would only mean redoubled continuation of Marxist indoctrination. After all, if 'education' through existing institutions were adequate to meet the challenge, then many modern fascist ring leaders would be tried and jailed for trying to bring down the economy of the Republic (as well as the Republic itself).

Yes, education is necessary. But it will need to run a non-orthodox course.

If Leftist Orwellians can make the Constitution mean anything they like, then so can Conservatives. We may just as well say the Constitution does not confer a right to spew or spread much of the hate that is plainly written in the Koran. Proof that any resident civilian has conspired to urge and incite other civilians to assault, injure, or kill anyone else based merely on their beliefs should result in a hate-crime criminal conviction. Not a license to carry on.

How bad is the current regime? Once it is retired, should it be tried? That may depend on whether it further exacerbates its endangerment of the Republic.
'Well, imagine some 'spiritual' branch of the mafia re-invented itself after finding (or interpreting) artifacts of crime gangs from ancient Rome, and imagine it then based its new found spiritual radicalization on loyalty to a newly interpreted Roman God of Self Indulgence (aka, Crime). Imagine high mafia prophets and 'Messengers of God' then sanctioned constant turf war for the conversion of new Wise Guys, at the point of the sword. Would our government find mettle enough to say, 'Wait a minute. That's not religion. Incitement to conspiratorial rationalization for killing is crime, not religion. And as such there is no Constitutional right to teach, spread, or incite it.' Or would our government hold: 'Well, conspiratorial incitement to killing non-wise-guys is neither crime nor murder, so long as it is part of the tradition of a recognized religion.' Or would such holding depend on whether our government had already become infested through and through with elites of the Wise Guys?'

You're looking at why our government won't speak up about Islam slightly wrongheaded. The Reason they don't speak up is because they are moral relativists who think under the assumption that every religion is just as righteous and wholesome
as every other religion. Ergo, Every religion has their fair share of bad apples. As for me, I totally reject this line of logic on the grounds that Islam is waging a global at war on all unbelievers where as christians, jews, and hindus & buddhist are not. Not to mention, the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sirat read much differently than the Torah, Bible, Buddhavacana, and the bhagavad gita.

As for Amil Imani's article. I think you pretty much nailed it. However, if you have not done so you should read some of Ali Sina's writtings on The Cult Of Death.
In other words, the merging of a totalitarian, political/religious ideology with sexual orgasmic proponents is the fuel which drives Islamic jihadism.

Unless and until western leadership confront this civilizational scourge there will be NO quarter from their onslaught. Perhaps when they destroy one or two western cities the leadership will react-or not.....

Adina Kutnicki
To alter the philosophy of jihad one must, imho, do one of three things. For the discussion, the use of lower case quran means all version of the Quran, the haddiths, the fatwa's and related works of Islamic scholars. The easiest would be to add another sutra to the quran that effectively removes the barbarism one finds in the text as it stands today. Another method would be to simply remove the parts leaving only 'the good' parts. Without doing either of the first two the only effective method is to simply destroy Islam and make it illegal throughout the world.

The point of all this is as long as Mohammad's version of the quran exists and is used there will be jihad. After all, it IS God's word. Period. It just will not be 'educated' away. For example, suppose one wants to prove, in the Quran, that beating one's wife is not to be done under any circumstances. Exactly how would you wipe away the directive in the Quran itself that grants that right to the husband. Amil knows all the other 'sticking' points in the Quran that would have to be somehow 'educated away'.

Think Mohammad Atta. Think bin Laden. Think The Blind Sheik. Think Sheik Khalid. These are truly educated Muslims. Simply put the more educated a Muslim becomes in the quran the more that person accepts jihad and many become practicing educated Muslims. The practicing educated Muslim is the long form of the word 'terrorist'. A practicing Muslim in a Muslim that accepts the Quran completely and lives by it's directions completely. Trying to 'educate' the Muslim would require something like the 're-education' camps so favored by Marxist dictators and would require the enslavement of the world wide Muslim population. Just ain't ever gonna happen. Dream on.

What strikes me is the Muslims are winning anyway without their practicing educated Muslims. The simple method is immigration and breeding. It's working throughout most of the EU today. In a couple of generations or so they'll be the largest voting block their. Another few generations and they can change the constitutions to those like Iraq or Afghanistan. The Palestinians, if they had even a micron of sense, would be well on the way of taking over Israel had they just accepted the Israeli state in 1948 and stoked up their breeding programs. If the educated practising Muslim can be 'educated' to follow the breeding method, then the world wide Caliph will become a reality. Sort of a bloodless conquest on the world. The sad part is the educated practicing Muslim is simple too impatient. Which makes them do really, really stupid things like ramming airplanes into towers and strapping on the jihad explosive vest. Especially when the Muslim world is vastly inferior, militarily, to the Western world.
The psychosis of radical jihadis was explained very well (for me) in an article in the last year about Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite present in cat feces, and the resulting infection of most cat lovers which includes 1 Billion Muslims. The toxins produced by the infection works on the brain making the person schizophrenic and prone to violence, decreasing intelligence over time and detachment from reality.

I can't find it this AM, but I'm still looking.
'In the monumental task of dealing with jihadism, every individual, group and government must combine their resources and energies to prevail. The destiny of the civilized life hangs in the balance. '

I agree, but first we must each understand some basics about Islam, and we must also be able, at a glance, to discern where Islam contradicts and differs from our own belief system, for example, Christianity. Christians, for example, must first know what they believe, and why, and be able to contrast Islam and Christianity. And then, Christians must be able to articulate the differences, for they are vast, an unbridgeable gap.

The first major difference is that Islam is a crass system of works, with absolutely no guarantee of eternal life. Even Osama bin Laden, in an interview shortly after 9/11, was asked if the hijackers were in paradise. He answered, 'I hope so.' You see, even he was not sure of their eternal fate. There is no concept of grace in Islam. Everything is weighed on a balance, and even then there is no guarantee with Allah.

In reading Robert Spencer's latest book on Islam, I am writing comments in the margins as I read. One immediate difference I noted was that in Islam the 'word of God' is said to be on a tablet in heaven. OK, now just how does that differ from Christianity? The Christian should immediately have an answer for that. And the answer is that according to the Bible, the Word of God is not a mere tablet, but a PERSON. This is a major, major difference. 'The Word was made flesh', says the Gospel of John, and 'dwelt among us.' There is no such concept in Islam. Muslims do NOT have a 'relationship' with Allah. He cannot be personally known, as the God of the Bible. They can only know 'about' him.

I cannot emphasize enough that Christians must be able to 'contend for the faith', in love . We must be able to give an answer 'for the hope that lies within us.' Christians must sincerely desire the salvation of Muslims.

But first of all, we must pray. We must pray that God's Holy Spirit will move in the hearts of Muslims all around the world, for prayer is the most power weapon in our arsenal. Prayer is NOT the 'last resort; indeed, prayer is firing the 'winning shot.'

I highly recommend Spencers latest book,'The Complete Infidel's Guide to Islam.' In it, he makes these contrasts very clear. But Christians also need to be getting into the Word of God, and getting the Word of God into themselves, and then sharing the 'good news' with others.