shame-2For decades, I have been sounding the alarm about the ever-increasing menace Islam is posing to America and our way of life. Apathy, political correctness, and massive Islamic lobbying have successfully prevented the public from truly grasping the all-pervasive Islamic assault.

Freedom of speech, a right greatly cherished by a free people, is an area where Islamic forces are attacking with great effectiveness.

Individuals who dare to voice the truth about Islam, its barbaric Sharia laws and savage practices are subjected to harassment, threatened with and subjected to ruinous lawsuits. Businesses and organizations with the slightest deviation from the Islamic dictates face boycotts and the loss of media advertising sponsors.

Concurrently, much of academia and many universities throughout the land are generously funded by Islamic governments and organizations to market a highly sanitized and distorted version of Islam to young impressionable minds. Even at the primary school level, a hugely dishonest portrayal of Islam is included in books pupils are required to study.

In these deceptive presentations, Islam appears to be a religion of peace, tolerance, and brotherhood. To further lull the people into accepting this dishonest “taqiyyah-driven” fraud, Islam is marketed simply as another version of the Abrahamic religions—Judaism and Christianity. Thus, there is nothing alien about Islam, the scheme aims to promote.

shame-1 Islam mistreats women and girls, as Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali contends? Nothing could be further from the truth, the shameless Islamists say. The facts on the ground speak otherwise and most emphatically support Ms. Ali’s contention. Even a cursory examination of the Islamic scripture clearly shows women’s chattel status. The cruel and unjust ways that women are treated in Islamic lands are simply based on a belief of misogyny called Islam. It is this belief that the highly self-invested Islamic clergy and their patrons want to impose on the rest of humanity. It is exactly people like Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali who both need and demand the widest forum to show the public the true face of Islam and the danger it poses for all that free people cherish.

Truth is not always welcomed and can often be greatly disturbing. But, truth is the best weapon against evil and falsehood. When critics of Islam point out the horrific teachings of the Quran, they don't make them up. They cite surahs from their holy book, surahs that exhort the Muslims to carry out all kinds of evil deeds against non-Muslims.

Is there anyone in this world who doesn't read, see, or hear about the daily Islamic atrocities performed by these savages, with every act justified on the basis of Allah's holy book?

Qur'an 8:12 "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle."

Qur'an 33:26 "Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before."

And now, the brazen exercise of Islamic intimidation has forced a previously distinguished American institution of higher learning, Brandies University, into the shameful and cowardly act of rescinding its invitation to Ayaan Hersi Ali to address its 2014 commencement class and giving her an honorary degree. I believe she has earned that honor by educating the public about the true nature of Islam, and thereby suffering an incredible amount of harassment and hostility.

Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is an internationally acclaimed and outspoken defender of women’s rights. Ms. Ali hails from a Muslim family in Somalia where she experienced first-hand how horrifically Islam treats women. She has shown immense courage in speaking the truth.

The courage of this displaced champion of women’s rights stands in stark contrast to the cowardice of the Brandeis University president. The purported faculty and students who engaged in a group act of dishonoring the commitment made to this distinguished champion of free speech is despicable.

shame-3The cowardice of the responsible Brandeis culprits, with its president at the top, is more shameful for the fact that they capitulated to the pressures from the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization found by the American courts to be a supporter of the officially designated terror group, Hamas.

Hamas and its supporter CAIR represent a clear and imminent danger to our country and our principles which include the priceless freedoms of speech and belief. Islam does not recognize these sacred principles. Islam fights them with all in its powers. Freedom of speech is just about non-existent wherever Islam rules. Freedom of belief and religion, other than Islam, is clearly rejected and often severely persecuted.

It is evident that Muslims are unable to withstand honest scrutiny of their beliefs and practices, since they do everything they can to silence courageous people like Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Is Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali misrepresenting Islam? Is she defaming Islam? If so, why not point out her misrepresentations and defamation with facts? Telling about Islam's systemic dehumanizations of women is stating a fact. The evidence supporting this point is overwhelming. Let facts battle it out instead of unleashing the huge power and funds of numerous governments and organizations to silence one solitary individual.

shame-4Ironically, Islamic scripture labels Jews with unspeakable epithets and even denies them as human beings. These very same Jews, custodians of a Jewish university in the land of the free, lacked the spine to stand firm in honoring their commitment and telling CAIR to take its Islamic suffocating ethos elsewhere.

Humanity is facing a deeply troubling dilemma. On the one hand is the desire of enlightened people to forge a world of diverse people into one universal society ruled by peace and justice for everyone. On the other hand, Islamists are hell-bent on imposing their Stone-Age system on this world.

The Islamic clergy with great vested self-interests, market their ware—sugarcoated Islam—to expand their parasitic rules over people. They keep ranting about the importance of accepting things on faith, denigrate reason, dangle carrots and sticks, and demand unconditional surrender in return for guaranteed bliss and salvation. The masses toe the line, support the clergy’s lavish parasitic lifestyle and the charade continues. It works like a charm. Use the Jihad of the sword when it can and use the “Soft Jihad” until the sword can be unsheathed to finish the job.

shame-5Islam promoters never present the naked face of Islam. They never speak of the Islam that thrives on hate and violence.  They never mention throwing acid in the face of women who fail to don the hijab or girls just going to school. They don’t speak of flogging people for sporting non-Islamic haircuts, stoning women to death for violating sexual norms and other forms of Islamic brutalities such as Honor Killing. They never mention child marriages in Islam that allows a man of any age to marry a child as young as nine years of age.

Alas, alas. Brandeis University failed itself as an institution committed to the freedom of inquiry and enlisted itself into the infamous ranks of the censor-able cowards. Shame, shame, Brandeis University.

Amil Imani is the author of Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and Operation Persian Gulf.






2014-04-13 04:12:32
Comments List
Amil, I applaud your defending Hirsi Ali, who is a courageous woman. I watched a segment on Megyn Kelly's show where she switched between interviews with Ali and CAIR's Ibrahim Hooper. To Kelly's credit she gave Ali her due, and allowed Hooper to show the world what a thuggish Muslim bully he is.
To say she has only beliefs is absurd. Brandeis may not know that Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been called by Time Magazine "One of the 100 most influential people on Earth." She was also accepted as a Fellow at the Kennedy School of Governance at Harvard! Brandeis you've showed your prejudice; Or, How much did CAIR pay you?
Thanks for shedding light on this. This is really disturbing. Obvious questions about the spineless, ball-less pieces of excrement who literally bowed down to Muslim intimidation; less clear to me is why the feminist abortionist leftists, not to mention all the usually loud-mouthed atheists, remain silent.
The President of Brandeis should resign after apologizing profusely to humanity, especially to women, Islam's greatest victims, and especially to young girls, for taking the side of the scourge of the earth against a woman with far more decency and moral courage, as well as physical courage, than the combined sorry lot of administration and faculty of Brandies will ever have.

I wonder if any Jewish institution {I believe Brandeis is one, ostensibly anyway] ever tried to silence critics of Adolf Hitler and Nazism back, oh say around 1940, effectively taking the side of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis? None that I'm aware of, but Brandeis surly would have if they were to have been at all consistent then to the abomination they have now become.
Bravo, FeralCat, your post is informative, well-thought, and articulate. It is an excellent adjunct to this great article. Thank you and be well!
Caroline Glick: More and more, every day we see American Jews embracing intellectual bondage. We see American Jewish leaders embracing the intolerant, who seek to constrain freedom, and shunning those who fight for freedom and the rights of Jews and other threatened peoples and groups.

To a large degree, this rejection of the lessons of the Exodus among the American Jewish community reflects the growing intolerance and tyranny of the political Left, to which most American Jews pledge their allegiance.

With increasing frequency, leftist groups and leaders in the US are openly acting to deny freedom of expression to their political and ideological foes, and to destroy the lives of people who oppose their dogma.

The rot runs deep.

Consider Brandeis University's craven and intolerant administration.

Brandeis was founded as a traditionally Jewish university in 1948, the year that Israel was established.