With the presidential race focused squarely on the economy, Islam and Sharia continues to furtively creep into every aspect of American culture. And too few people are talking about it. Why? Because Americans have been conditioned by the liberal elites to be tolerant and compassionate, to embrace multiculturalism and respect each other’s beliefs, ideals and values. That’s wonderful in a utopian world, but the fact is, Islam doesn’t embrace any aspect of Western civilization—much less American culture. We are rapidly and methodically being dismantled as a nation, and our freedom and liberty is more fragile than at anytime since WWII. And while we fight the enemy abroad with combat troops, intelligence and drone strikes, we’re doing nothing to combat the same exact enemy that resides on our own soil in broad daylight.

If we don’t defeat it politically and do it swiftly, your children and grandchildren could be engaged in a religious and ideological bloody war, the likes of which has never been seen on American soil. Islam is a theocratic political terrorist regime that hides behind the mask of religion to accomplish its mission of a worldwide caliphate. What most Americans don’t understand is that it is a totalitarian “theo-political” belief system and a social doctrine (the two go hand in hand) based on the Quran, Sirah and Hadith, what Dr. Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam aptly coins the “Trilogy of Islam.” It has mandates on every single aspect of life and those mandates are enforced and regulated by the barbaric criminal and civil code known as Sharia Law. The precise definition of a Muslim becomes crystal clear when you read the trilogy of Islam. Bottom line: you are to be an Allah fearing, Quran believing and Mohammed following zealot that forces people to submit, convert, and comply with Islam and Sharia or be killed. Those are the facts.

Does every Muslim follow the commands of the Quran? No, thank God. But as they assimilate themselves into communities and increase in numbers, they become more militant and less tolerant of that community’s laws and regulations. Any religion whose “holy book” commands its followers to commit crimes that are antithetical to the laws of this country should not only lose its tax exempt status, but lose its 1st Amendment protection and be banned from the United States altogether. In case you are not familiar with some of the condoned atrocities of Islam and Sharia law . . . are you aware that women are stoned to death for committing adultery and that gay men are actually hung? Or that the genitals of little girls are mutilated in order to protect her virginity and that children may be murdered in the name of family honor? Islam does not recognize separation of church and state. Islamic republics are dominated by spiritual leaders who oversee the strict adherence to Sharia law by its citizens.

In countries where Islamic enclaves and ghettos have emerged like in France, Britain and North African countries, local mullahs enforce Sharia law regardless of its conflict with national or state laws. What most Americans fail to understand is that Sharia law is the foundation of Islamic theocracy and totalitarianism. The establishment of global Sharia law is their ultimate goal. The Quran is unequivocal in its directive to Muslims to establish a global Islamic state (Caliphate) over which the Islamic messiah, or Mahdi, will rule with Sharia as the only law of the land. Make no mistake, that is the intent of influential Islamic elements in America.

The problem is, too few Americans are aware of it and organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are taking full advantage of our naivety. Moreover, Islam stands in stark contrast to the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and what the First Amendment was designed to protect—our God-given unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Understand that Sharia is very complex and it’s derived from multiple Islamic sources. The Quran, considered the “uncreated word of Allah” is the primary source of Sharia law. The Hadith (sayings and actions of Muhammad) is the second most important document in Sharia. Historic rulings by jurists over the years and so-called reasoning by analogy make up the other two, less-influential sources of Sharia. Together they constitute Islam’s theological core and they result in a totalitarian way of life for Muslim followers and non-Muslims (kafirs and infidels). Sharia law is in complete contradiction with American values because it enslaves people and encourages acts of violence and barbaric behavior. Sharia demands the death of those who renounce Islam.

A former Muslim turned Christian pastor in Iran recently received a death sentence. Honor killings, marital rape, female genital mutilation, not to mention the severing of hands and feet are but a few of the other components of Sharia. When Muslim men are directed to beat their wives for rejecting sexual advances, it’s obvious that American values are in direct conflict with what Islamic law requires of its followers. I believe in the 1st Amendment right of people to worship or not worship whomever or whatever they want, but Islam hardly constitutes a religion. What “religion” would condone atrocities that are antithetical to the God-given unalienable rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution? None. Therefore, it does not deserve religious 1st Amendment Constitutional protection. The following are a sample of straight forward and unambiguous verses in the Quran that clearly show the evil and violence that, unlike in Judaism and Christianity, is mandated in route to establishing a worldwide Islamic caliphate. Several verses are further clarified in bold by academic expository commentary . . .   Read more at the original source  


Amil Imani is the author of Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and Operation Persian Gulf.

2012-02-22 09:26:23
Comments List
BTW...there are hundreds of thousands of 'Nedas' throughout the Muslim world!

May they organize and join together and may our Western feminists WAKE UP to what is happening.
Wow! Great stuff, Amil. God bless and best wishes! Your comments are knowledgable and necessary reading for our uninformed politicians.


Discriminatory Sharia law is the nose of the camel.