Iran's Ahmadinejad is Not Unhinged
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The world is captivated by the sudden rise of a relatively unknown to the presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for his torrent of outrageous statements and claims. He has, thus, in a short time acquired great many appellations. He is viewed as zealot, fascist, fanatic, anti-Semitic, lunatic and more. One prominent Western columnist called him “unhinged.” All these labels aim, in part, to dismiss the man as an aberration. As someone who is in urgent need of psychological help, a person out of touch with reality who represents nothing of substance.
Islamic Republic of Iran Ahmadinejad
The Apocalyptic Message of President Ahmadinejad to President Bush
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Iran's President Ahmadinejad, a veteran of the Islamic Republic's repressive Revolutionary Guard, took office 3 August 2005, after a surprise win in a June sham presidential election -- there are no democratic elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran. All candidates are prescreened by the Guardian Council before they are allowed to run for office. In practice, a president of Iran is already chosen through a farce process of giving the voters a chance to elect one of the men hand-picked from the regime's functionaries, as was the case with President Ahmadinejad. No sooner did President Ahmadinejad emerge from obscurity and assumed his new role as the head of the Executive Branch of the Islamic regime in Iran than he unleashed a torrent of venomous rhetoric against the United States and Israel. {C}
United States of America President Ahmadinejad Islamic Republic Iran Arabs
Shirin Ebadi: Voice of Democracy or Voice of Mullahcracy?
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The biggest surprise of 2003 was when an Iranian human rights activist, Shirin Ebadi, became the first Iranian ever to win a Nobel Peace Prize. Yet, the Nobel committee referred to her as the first Muslim woman, completely denying her nationality, which angered Iranian nationalists. It is rumored Ebadi will appear on an up coming Oprah Winfrey Show while Ebadi tours the United States to promote her book. Iran's people have suffered enough cultural destruction from Islam, but now even the Nobel committee was denying Iranian nationality, and promoting Islam instead. Ebadi's Nobel Peace Prize made Iranians proud. "The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2003 to Shirin Ebadi for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the campaign for the rights of women and children," as stated in the chairman's 2003 award speech. {C}
Shirin Ebadi Islamic Republic of Iran Iran
Is the United States serious about Iran?
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Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently asked Congress for $85 million to support pro-democracy groups inside Iran and also to assist Iranian groups outside Iran who oppose the Islamic regime in Tehran. It is a very kind gesture from President George W. Bush’s administration, but this program will not change anything in Iran. And it is not likely the $85 million (if Secretary Rice indeed receives it) will be used effectively and wisely. Yet, there is no denying Bush’s intent of support. In his 2005 state of union address, he again pledged his support for the Iranian people: “And to the Iranian people, I say tonight: As you stand for your own liberty, America stands with you.” A Tehran University student responded, “As long as President Bush stands with the Iranian people, the Iranian people will stand with him and with America." {C}
Ted Cruz Obama meets Ahmadinejad Muslims Against Crusades
Ignorance of Islamic Terror Poses Greatest Threat
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The intention of this article is to provoke a much-needed debate on the nature of a phenomenon called "Islamic Terrorism." Most people in the United States assume that the phenomenon called "Islamic Terrorism" started after the 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.
World Trade Center Quran New York City Islamic Terrorism